3 Books that Changed my Life

A brief excerpt from my "This I Believe"
July 11, 2019
Rev Ted Tollefson

Part of my religious and spiritual journey has been framed by the books that changed my life. Here's a short list of books that carried me through my teens, twenties and beyond. They are still part of my "Living Gospel.”


Letters from the Earth

Mark Twain

This book was kept a family secret and not published until Mr. Twain was 50 years in the grave. It presents a humorous, ironic and fearless send-up of the absurdities of Biblical mythology. Through the power of its holy laughter I was liberated from the ghosts of my Presbyterian childhood.

I thank my mentor Mark several times each year by channeling Mr. Twain usually in UU churches.

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Zen Flesh, Zen Bones

edited by Paul Reps

This wonderful collection of proverbs, stories and illustration reveals the core of Zen. This book showed me that another Way was possible. I continue to prefer awakening to salvation, and rely upon spiritual practice rather than believing outrageous ideas to guide my life.

I honor this little book by telling Zen stories and continuing Paul Reps' practice of ink-painting in the Zen way.

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Walden or My Life in the Woods

Henry David Thoreau

This splendid, original book is an American sutra: a sacred text informed by living in the woods, near the open waters of Walden Pond. This book convinced me that it was possible for an American to live a life of awakening without moving to China or Japan.

As Thoreau says "To be awake is to be alive". I celebrate the gifts of this book by reading it every year, preaching out of it and living in the forests of Frontenac with a view of open water: the mighty Mississippi, Lake Pepin or Spirit Lake.

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Happy Reading!