"Mindfulness" by Phil Martin
10:00 AM10:00

"Mindfulness" by Phil Martin

Philip Martin, author of The Zen Path Through Depression will give a free talk on Mindfulness this Sunday January 19 at the Red Wing UU Community beginning at 10 am. Learn about the many gifts of compassionate, undivided attention.

About Phil

Philip Martin has studied and practiced Zen Buddhism and meditation for nearly 50 years. He worked for 30 years as a County Mental Health Social Worker. He is now retired and continues to write. He also speaks on spirituality and depression and facilitates a Mindfulness Group with a specific focus on the practice for people with depression and other mental health challenges. He lives in Red Wing, Minnesota.

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Celebrating International Peace Day!
10:00 AM10:00

Celebrating International Peace Day!

Join us for International Peace Day!

Go out into the world in peace; Have courage;
Question all things; Hold onto what is good;
Return to no one evil for evil; Strengthen the faint-hearted;
Support the weak; Help the suffering; Honor all beings.

  • Music by Bill McGrath and a message of peace

  • Presentation by Bill Habedank: How do we create a world of peace?

  • Words of peace by Rev. Ted Tollefson: The Ecology of Peace-making and a Prayer for Peace

  • Conversations

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All Creatures Great and Small
10:00 AM10:00

All Creatures Great and Small

Rev. Ted will be talking about how the stories we tell about our beginnings shape our understanding of who we are and how we interact with other beings.

And we'll serve tea to make sure that all are awake!

If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans
— James Herriot
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Facing Mystery
10:00 AM10:00

Facing Mystery

Sometimes the world stops making sense. Sometime our ordinary experience is infused with wonder and delight. What are the options when we are facing Mystery?

Bring your questions and your answers and stories. A lively discussion and sharing will be an important part of this service.

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10:00 AM10:00


Feeling and expressing gratitude is a regular feature of many ways of being religious or “spiritual.” But where does it come from? What are the options for making gratitude a more regular feature of our lives?

Bring your questions and your answers and stories of being grateful. A lively discussion and sharing will be an important part of this service.

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"This I Believe" with Bill Habedank and Donn Leaf
10:00 AM10:00

"This I Believe" with Bill Habedank and Donn Leaf

Two of our members will share their beliefs and their spiritual/religious journeys.

Bring your faith, your doubts, and your questions. If you have answers, bring those too! This talk is intended to empower 2 or 3 of our members to do a "This I Believe" talk next month.

Don't miss this memorable program!

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Ukrainian Benefit Concert
7:00 PM19:00

Ukrainian Benefit Concert

Join harpist Veronika Lemishenko at the Hobgoblin Music Loft for a fundraiser for Ukrainian relief.

There will be a performance, as well as a talk about Veronika's first-hand experience of the war with Russia. Veronika is the Art Director of the Glowing Harp competition and festival in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and the founder of the Veronika Lemishenko Charity Foundation. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the World Harp Congress and for the European Union of Musical Competitions for Youth (EMCY). She has performed with orchestras in Austria, Germany, France, and Italy, as well as at international music festivals all across the world. As a soloist, she has released two albums and performed at venues such as the Royal Academy of Music (London, England) and Esplanade (Singapore).

Donations are strongly encouraged, but the event is free to attend.

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A Very Unitarian Easter
10:00 AM10:00

A Very Unitarian Easter

Many people in our culture are divided about what Easter means.

I'll offer some new Unitarian views of Easter, beginning with the insight that Easter marks the death of the historical Jesus AND the birth of the mythological Christ. All answers are questioned here. Bring your faith, your doubts, and your questions.

If you have answers, bring those too!

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Jefferson's Bible
10:00 AM10:00

Jefferson's Bible

On cold winter nights in the White House, Thomas Jefferson gathered six copies of the New Testament and a very sharp razor. 

With painstaking effort, he trimmed away the layers of myth-making to reveal a very clear and modern picture of the "historic Jesus" not a god but a man, not a savior but a sage. We'll follow Jefferson's track and also consider what his approach overlooks

The trouble begins at 10 am.

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Waging Peace
10:00 AM10:00

Waging Peace

It's long past the time to reclaim our major holidays to celebrate peace-making:
from Armistice Day (Nov. 11) to Christmas (December 25), to Mother's Peace Day (second Sunday in May) and World Peace Day (September 21).

All Peace-makers invited. We'll also be talking about a new Peace Pole for Red Wing.

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Free Event! Sailing for a Nuclear Weapons Free World with The Golden Rule
6:00 PM18:00

Free Event! Sailing for a Nuclear Weapons Free World with The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is America's first anti-nuclear protest boat and began its mission in 1958 when a crew of 4 sailed across the Pacific towards a nuclear test zone in the Marshall islands.

Today Veterans For Peace continues the mission: a nuclear-free world, and a peaceful, sustainable future through education and action. The Golden Rule Project teaches about the environmental, health and cultural impacts of the entire nuclear chain from uranium mining to disposal of nuclear waste. Join us in our commitment to a nuclear free planet as the Golden Rule sails around the US spreading its message once again. This film is a Mane Co and gnarlybay co-production.

Peacestock & Golden Rule present:

Sailing for a Nuclear Weapons Free World

arrival at Levee park on Thurs, Sept 29

The Golden Rule | Meet & Greet

Fri, Sept 30 from 3 to 7 PM

Music & Food Trucks | Peace Pole Dedication | Educational information

Please bring your own comfy chair & enjoy a peaceful afternoon!

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