Filtering by: Discussion

Facing Mystery
10:00 AM10:00

Facing Mystery

Sometimes the world stops making sense. Sometime our ordinary experience is infused with wonder and delight. What are the options when we are facing Mystery?

Bring your questions and your answers and stories. A lively discussion and sharing will be an important part of this service.

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10:00 AM10:00


Feeling and expressing gratitude is a regular feature of many ways of being religious or “spiritual.” But where does it come from? What are the options for making gratitude a more regular feature of our lives?

Bring your questions and your answers and stories of being grateful. A lively discussion and sharing will be an important part of this service.

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A Very Unitarian Easter
10:00 AM10:00

A Very Unitarian Easter

Many people in our culture are divided about what Easter means.

I'll offer some new Unitarian views of Easter, beginning with the insight that Easter marks the death of the historical Jesus AND the birth of the mythological Christ. All answers are questioned here. Bring your faith, your doubts, and your questions.

If you have answers, bring those too!

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How to Explain Unitarian Universalism to Almost Anybody
10:00 AM10:00

How to Explain Unitarian Universalism to Almost Anybody

We are now entering the last full month of summer.

It's time when people visit our congregations and when friends and family ask what we do on Sunday mornings. This practical talk will give you up to 10 ways to respond when someone pops the question about our Unitarian Universalist tradition.

The first way can fit inside your wallet!

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Reflections on "Separating Church and State"
10:00 AM10:00

Reflections on "Separating Church and State"

The Supreme Court has recently ruled to permit athletic coaches to offer a prayer of thanks after winning a game. Does this violate the "separation of church and state" that was so dear to many of America's Founding Generation? It turns out that both the US Constitution (Amendment #1) and the Bible speak to both sides of this issue.

My talk aims to disentangle the threads and gives you a chance to vote on hypothetical cases to find out where you stand and why.

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Faith in a Seed
10:00 AM10:00

Faith in a Seed

We'll explore together how tending a garden and wild foraging can restore lively, healing connections between ourselves & the natural world around us.

The discussion was integrated into the presentation. Come prepared to share your thoughts and experiences.

Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing!

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A Conversation about Race in  America
10:00 AM10:00

A Conversation about Race in America

Rather than a technical discussion of "Critical Race Theory" which currently seems like a landmine in our culture wars, we're going to have an open conversation about race in America.

I will present 3 ideas about how our constructions of race keep reshaping our vision of what America is and what we aspire to become. There will be room for all those present to share their views. I'll be using the "Pizza method" of preaching yet again: I deliver one slice at a time and we chew on it (talk about it) together.

Bring your thoughts, memories, and your hopes to share.

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The World That Is, The World That Will Be
10:00 AM10:00

The World That Is, The World That Will Be

We live caught between what is and what ought to be. Our ethical life begins when we learn to work skillfully with that tension.

Where will you choose to focus your moral attention in the months ahead?

Where can you make a difference without causing harm?

Join us on Zoom at 10am

Meeting ID: 871 1311 7540
Passcode: 362556

You should be able to enter without the password above. Just keep hitting the blue button.

  • Do Not “Sign In”
    just hit Launch Meeting and then Join Meeting.

  • You’ll want computer audio

  • and to allow Zoom to use your computer video camera.

  • Need some more info/help?

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A Lively Talk by Gary Stone
10:00 AM10:00

A Lively Talk by Gary Stone

Join us with Gary Stone to discuss such topics as:

  • Jeopardy

  • QAnon

  • faces on Mars

  • apophenia

  • truth, lies, and meaning

  • We Good They Bad - We Bad They Good

  • riots

  • Trump

  • stories

  • moral language

  • Gnosticism

  • And other Epistemological questions.

Join Us on Zoom at 10am

Meeting ID: 895 7986 3256
Passcode: 978219

  • You should be able to enter without the password above. Just keep hitting the blue button.

  • DON’T "Sign in" - just hit "Launch Meeting" and then "Join Meeting.”

  • You’ll want “computer audio”

  • and to “allow Zoom to use your computer video camera.”

  • Need some more info/help?

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Cyber-Talk: Life-Boat: Ethical Reflections on our Global Pandemic
to Apr 30

Cyber-Talk: Life-Boat: Ethical Reflections on our Global Pandemic

  • Google Calendar ICS

Since meeting face-to-face is NOT a healthy way to celebrate the "Spirit of Life" I have reluctantly joined many colleagues in ministry by recording talks via Zoom.

If you click on the link below, you can watch a pretty good version of this talk that I recorded via Zoom. If there's enough interest, we can have a discussion via email or Zoom next week.

Thanks to Becky Goetsche for recording my first Zoom talk and posting it to Facebook.

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 The Art of Dreaming
10:00 AM10:00

The Art of Dreaming

Shared reflections on how to remember, record, understand and befriend our dreams: night-dreams, day-dreams, twilight dreams and Big Dreams.

Rev. Ted wrote his master's thesis on dreamwork, trained with Jeremy Taylor and Stephon Williams. He has taught dreamwork in Minnesota since 1980.

"Human beings are the only animals that dream 24 hours per day"
Carl Jung

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