Filtering by: Zoom Meeting

Heaven Below
10:00 AM10:00

Heaven Below

If we look carefully at the teachings of Jesus & Thoreau and listen deeply to the songs of Peter Mayer, we find a "Heaven" that is within and around us. Here and Now.

Quiet time, music, magic words, and a few stories.

"Heaven is under our feet as well as over our head.”
- Henry David Thoreau

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed.”
- Jesus

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The World That Is, The World That Will Be
10:00 AM10:00

The World That Is, The World That Will Be

We live caught between what is and what ought to be. Our ethical life begins when we learn to work skillfully with that tension.

Where will you choose to focus your moral attention in the months ahead?

Where can you make a difference without causing harm?

Join us on Zoom at 10am

Meeting ID: 871 1311 7540
Passcode: 362556

You should be able to enter without the password above. Just keep hitting the blue button.

  • Do Not “Sign In”
    just hit Launch Meeting and then Join Meeting.

  • You’ll want computer audio

  • and to allow Zoom to use your computer video camera.

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A Lively Talk by Phil Martin:  Mindfulness
10:00 AM10:00

A Lively Talk by Phil Martin: Mindfulness

Phil Martin has recently retired to Red Wing where he teaches mindfulness meditation.

After his talk there will be time for your questions and a chance to practice mindfulness.

Join us on Zoom at 10am

Meeting ID: 864 9840 5001
Passcode: 699274

You should be able to enter without the password above. Just keep hitting the blue button.

  • Do Not “Sign In”
    just hit Launch Meeting and then Join Meeting.

  • You’ll want computer audio

  • and to allow Zoom to use your computer video camera.

  • Need some more info/help?

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A Lively Talk by Gary Stone
10:00 AM10:00

A Lively Talk by Gary Stone

Join us with Gary Stone to discuss such topics as:

  • Jeopardy

  • QAnon

  • faces on Mars

  • apophenia

  • truth, lies, and meaning

  • We Good They Bad - We Bad They Good

  • riots

  • Trump

  • stories

  • moral language

  • Gnosticism

  • And other Epistemological questions.

Join Us on Zoom at 10am

Meeting ID: 895 7986 3256
Passcode: 978219

  • You should be able to enter without the password above. Just keep hitting the blue button.

  • DON’T "Sign in" - just hit "Launch Meeting" and then "Join Meeting.”

  • You’ll want “computer audio”

  • and to “allow Zoom to use your computer video camera.”

  • Need some more info/help?

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Life-boat Ethics: Living Well in Changing Times
10:00 AM10:00

Life-boat Ethics: Living Well in Changing Times

Now that Minnesota's pandemic rate has climbed to over 4,000 new cases per day, we're going to try a safe Zoom service.

Here's the plan:

10 am

  1. Checking in: What helps you cope with these difficult times?

  2. Joys & Concerns

  3. Ted's Talk: "Life-boat Ethics: Living Well in Changing Times"

  4. UU Dialogue

11 am

Closing Words

ZOOM LINK: Join our first Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 770 8878 0412

Passcode: dp855F

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