Minister's Journals & Quarantine Poetry

Since Kristen and I began staying home about a month ago, I've been writing a poem each day and posting it to Facebook. Most of my poems are celebrations of natural beauty; a few are ethical/political commentaries with some bite.

You can see more poems by visiting my new Facebook page.

Morning Service

©2020 Rev. Ted Tollefson

Turkeys are wattling around the edges of the meadow

bobbing and bowing like Cardinals as they process

but they don't get much respect.

Crows have claimed the high ground

and are reporting on everything below---

they are our neighborhood watch

and will also clean up road-kill.

The Eagles are biding their time

knowing that the treetops and most fish

belong to them when they choose.

Meanwhile, at the Old Methodist beach

the back-current is circling:

will it bring fish today?

And where are the pair of Loons hiding?

In this wild abundance, it's difficult not

to want to be a small voice in the Big Choir.

Warbler Visitation

©2020 Rev. Ted Tollefson

A tiny warbler flew into the trailer

where I was laying down a new clear coat

and perched by a closed window

where afternoon light pours in.

I stopped and listened as he sang a song

that carried news of his long flight

his concerns about family in Brooklyn

and hopes for warm green spring.

I began to fret: could he find his way out?

Did I need to flap my wings to show him the doorway?

In answer to my question, he glided out the open door

returning to his world and leaving me to mine

but not without leaving his song in my heart

where it is ringing still.