Quarantine Poetry: RISE & SHINE!

During the pandemic of this year, I've been writing a poem each day and posting it to Facebook. Most of my poems are celebrations of natural beauty; a few are ethical/political commentaries with some bite.

You can see more poems by visiting my new Facebook page.


©2021 Rev. Ted Tollefson

Song birds take little notice of our raging epidemic

or the stupidity that propels it

they have witnessed what care-lessness

can do when amplified by machines

and have offered up too many of their own

on the altar we call "Progress".

Their concerns are more down to earth:

will their feeder be refilled today?

will the young squirrels mind their own business?

and the coppery orb of light

almost ready to roll over the Big River

will it come again if they sing their best

or is something extra required today?

And then it begins again nevertheless

just slightly upstream from yesterday

Light returns to our little world

riding on the wings of gifts and flaws

as it always does

so far