Readers and music needed for our Thanks-giving

A note from Rev. Ted Tollefson

After consulting with Jewish friends, I’ve decided that this is not a good time to be borrowing without authorization from Jewish ritual. After consulting speeches by the current president, it seems like this is not a year for yet another nationalist celebration. 

What remains is the universal core of Giving Thanks. 

With help from music, many readers, shared reflections and silence we will orient our selves to three zones of Thanks Giving: 

  1. giving thanks to the living Earth which sustains us and all life; 

  2. giving thanks to the Human Community which both supports and challenges us; 

  3. giving thanks to the mysterious Gifts of the Spirit. 

We’ll need several readers, we’ll be using both recorded and live music and, if I can find it, we’ll blow a sacred conch shell as our call to “wor-ship” which is both “shaping our values” (worth-shaping) and “honoring Mystery” (acknowledging our limits).

Please contact Ted for your volunteer inquiry:
with subject line “Thanksgiving Nov 18 reader/music”

Or use the form below: