Quarantine Poetry: Clouds & Mist

During the pandemic of this year, I've been writing a poem each day and posting it to Facebook. Most of my poems are celebrations of natural beauty; a few are ethical/political commentaries with some bite.

You can see more poems by visiting my new Facebook page.

Clouds & Mist

©2021 Rev. Ted Tollefson

Winter days on the Tundra begin like this:

clouds & mist, mist & clouds

white and grey wherever you look

as if a cloud had fallen to earth

and was not able to return

to its bright blue home.

All 7 directions wrapped

in grey and white

and if we're lucky

mid-day sun will shine through

and we can bask in light

the color of honey

just like a rainy winter day n Berkeley

except 30* colder.

In this surrounding haze

thoughts and feelings turn

grey and white

distinctions get lost

and like a dream

past, present and future

fold into a single field

where no thing is clear

and anything feels possible

On such days

I breathe deep,

count my blessings

and hold fast to the bounty

that is.