Poetry: Northern Comfort

During the pandemic of this year, I've been writing a poem each day and posting it to Facebook. Most of my poems are celebrations of natural beauty; a few are ethical/political commentaries with some bite.

You can see more poems by visiting my new Facebook page.

Northern Comfort

©2021 Rev. Ted Tollefson

If you're not a Snow-bird

and have not yet made your escape

you might be stuck in the Frozen North

and may need to find a way

to muddle through.

"Northern Comfort" is not as easy and quick

as "Southern Comfort"

but you already guessed that.

You could make friends with your dryer or hair-dryer

and use it to warm up your inner layer by day

and perhaps a head towel by night

but don't overdo it

about 3 minutes is enough.

Finding something you like to do outdoors

can enlarge your living space

and keep you trimmer.

Almost anything will do:

ski, skate, walk

walk your dog

blaze a trail to a special place in the woods

chop wood

move snow crystals around.

And if indoor sitting meditation does not work

try a slow walk

in a place you love

with senses, heart, and mind

wide open

letting the Beauty you did not make

soothe your restless spirit.

Finding enough layers has been known to help

thick enough to keep out the cold

without binding your capacity to move freely

if you live "Up North"

the outer layer should be wind resistant

unless you need to get chilled

to stay awake.

If you have a fire-place----

wood, gas, electric, cybernetic

try it

even an artificial fire

can warm multiple layers

and bring back memories

of our ancestors seeking shelter

from the cold.

Your favorite hot beverage

can warm hands, breath, and core----

tea, coffee, cider

mulled wine, brandy, or even saki.

And at the end of another long cold day

seek some immersion in heat:

hot shower, bath, sauna

whatever raises your temperature

so you can sleep well

and rise ready to face

another day in the Deep Freeze.